The Trials and Crucifixion (Part 2a)

We’re always looking for ideas to get the most out of Dr. Jeannie’s lessons. With this in mind, the following discussion questions were provided by the Bible study group at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Geneva, NY.

1. The cursing of the fig tree is one of those stories about Jesus that makes people uncomfortable because He seems to be uncharacteristically vindictive against a poor innocent tree. Why was the fig tree cursed by the Lord and how do we understand His action as a prophetic sign?  (Matthew 21: 18-22)

2. Referring to the miracles and signs He performed, why do the chief priests and the elders ask Christ “by what authority do you do these things?” (Mark 11:27-28) What are they really getting at, and why does the Lord respond to their question with a question about the authority of John the Forerunner? (Mark 11:29-30) How does their refusal to respond to the Lord’s question expose their own insincerity and where their evil comes from?

3. In the Lord’s parable about the two sons, who do the sons represent? How does this parable succeed in getting the Jewish leaders to condemn themselves? (Matthew 21:28-32)

4. In the Lord’s parable of the wicked tenants, who do the tenants, vineyard, home owner, servants and son represent? How does this parable succeed in getting the Jewish leaders to condemn themselves? (Mark 12:1-12)

Bible reading: Matthew 21; Mark 11, 12:1-22

Listen to this lesson below: