Introduction to Exodus

We’re always looking for ideas to get the most out of Dr. Jeannie’s lessons. With this in mind, the following questions were provided by Matthew Keaveney from the Bible study group at St. Mary’s Orthodox Church in Cambridge, MA. These questions are related to both Introduction to Exodus and Exodus (Part 2).

Review Questions:

  1. What were the differences in approach to biblical exegesis between the school of Alexandria and the school of Antioch? Which school does St. Gregory of Nyssa hail from?
  2. In what ways is Moses a type of Christ?
  3. What does St. Gregory of Nyssa explain about the instruction “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48)? How was his perspective on this subject revolutionary?
  4. What happened between the life of Joseph and the life of Moses? How did the Hebrews come to be enslaved in Egypt?
  5. According to St. Gregory of Nyssa, how are we to imitate Moses’ birth?
  6. What is St. Gregory’s allegorical interpretation of Moses’ upbringing (the fact that he was raised by Pharaoh’s daughter but nursed by his own mother)?
  7. What should we take away from the story of Moses killing the Egyptian slave driver? What does it indicate about Moses’ understanding of his own situation? What does it represent allegorically?

Discussion Question:

  1. What are the strengths and weaknesses to the Fathers’ approaches to handling the faults of Biblical heroes?

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